Online Orders: We Now Accept Checks!
We are happy to announce that you can now order banners, banner stands, yard signs, and all of our other products online and pay for them with a check instead of having to use a credit card.

How to Pay With a Check
The first step is to design all of your products and add them to the cart. Verify the finishing options and quantities are correct, apply any promotion codes you have, and enter in your shipping zip code. Select your shipping method and click "Proceed to Checkout."
Once you are on the checkout page, enter all of your billing information. When you scroll down, the payment information is set to "Credit Card" by default.

Payment Information - Credit Card Default Option
From the drop down, select "Check" instead of the "Credit Card" option.

Payment Information - Check Option
After you have typed the Captcha, click the "Review My Order" button to proceed to the Order Review page. If everything looks correct, click on the "Approve Designs & Process Order" button.
A customer service representative will contact you to give you instructions on where to send the check. If you are placing your order with a check your order will not go into production until we receive the check.